Performance AC truck

Comfort is on the Horizon

Performance Blog

Flushing 101: What You Can and CANNOT Flush

We’ve all been there. Flush and then’¦ disaster strikes! Your home’s plumbing is a delicate and complex system that needs routine inspection and careful use. If you’re unsure of what is and isn’t acceptable to flush down the john, you’re…

Leaky Faucet

Did you know that a leaky faucet can raise your utility bills more than 10 percent? It’s true, and furthermore, an average household’s leaky faucet can waste more than 10,000 gallons each year (enough to wash 270 loads of laundry…

How Pet Hair Affects Your HVAC System

Whether you have pets or not, it’s to your advantage to make sure that the air filters in your home are clean. The air filters play a very important role in the entire HVAC system, including helping to filter through…

How to Clean Your AC Drain Line With Vinegar

If you’ve ever had your AC leaking or breaking down, you know how important it is to have a clean air conditioning unit. Take the advice of the HVAC pros at Performance Air Conditioning, and let us show you how…
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General | HVAC

DIY Scented Air Filters

Maybe candles and potpourri just aren’t your thing, or maybe you’d just like a new and healthy method of giving your home a fresh scent. Either way, homemade scented air filters are an easy, inexpensive way to fill your home…

How to Replace AC Filter

The importance of regularly changing your air conditioner’s filter cannot be overstated. If you change the filter once every few months, your AC unit will live considerably longer. Much like a car engine, maintained air conditioners live longer and work…