HVAC experts recommend scheduling heater maintenance every winter, preferably before the temperature really starts to fall. People rely on their heaters to keep their homes and bodies warm and comfortable, but like any complicated piece of machinery, a heater needs regular maintenance to run smoothly.
3 Reasons to Schedule Winter Heater Maintenance
That’s not the only reason to schedule heater maintenance this winter, though; here are three more to keep in mind.
1. Improved Energy Efficiency
A heater that receives regular maintenance every fall and winter will be far more efficient than one that is mostly neglected. During a maintenance appointment, an HVAC professional will clean and adjust the parts of your heater to make sure they are working as well as they can.
2. Lower Energy Bills
Homes everywhere have to contend with higher energy bills every winter. This admittedly isn’t as severe in a tropical-like state such as Florida, but you will have a higher heating bill any time you have to keep your furnace on for an extended period of time. Fortunately, the improved energy efficiency that comes with regular maintenance can also lower your heating bills. How much money you can save will depend on a few other factors such as the age of your HVAC system and the type of heater you have, but scheduling your regular winter maintenance is an important step in saving money.
3. Avoiding Repairs
The third and arguably most important reason to schedule winter heating maintenance is to prevent costly repairs to your HVAC system. A timely maintenance appointment can help you catch problems in your HVAC system before they become too difficult and expensive to fix. Repairing or replacing a broken furnace can cost thousands of dollars, so you’re always better off catching any potential issues before things get out of hand.
Call Performance to Schedule Your Winter Heater Maintenance
These are just three reasons why you shouldn’t forget to schedule your winter heater maintenance, but there are many others. The importance of these annual maintenance calls cannot be overstated. If you need to schedule your winter heater maintenance or make any repairs, contact Performance today.